Antislip Solutions for Marine Applications

Safemate has, for 50 years, supplied multinational shipping and oil and gas companies with antislip solutions to prevent people from slipping on stairs, walkways, and ladders. Our nonslip solutions ensure enhanced safety in marine environments where wet and slippery surfaces are common hazards.

Over those 50 years, we have gained valuable insights, including how to make the right purchase for a particular application and how to tailor the solution to best reflect the problem area.

Sea water is particularly corrosive to antislip stair capping, so the type of metal backing on the antislip stair capping needs to reflect the conditions. We have even had instances of onshore antislip stair applications where salt in the air can have a corrosive impact on both the capping and the stairs. Attention needs to be given to what substrate is to be protected from slips and falls, as some metals can react and corrode with other metals, particularly when clamped together. The correct advice is critical, and we are always available to assist our customers in making the best decision for their problem area. Customers that have oil rigs or ships need the rig/ship designer or metallurgist to specify what backing material is required to ensure no corrosive impact.

Issues to Consider When Buying Antislip Stair Cappings

1. Environment

If the stairs or ladders are subject to sea water spray, we recommend marine-grade 316 stainless steel. There are instances where customers elect to use cheaper galvanized steel on the basis that they intend to replace the product every 3-5 years. The cost differential generally does not, in our opinion, justify the cheaper option unless the shipping vessel is due to be decommissioned within that period.

2. Location

Internal stairs may allow for the cheaper mild steel application, but consider the salt in the air, which may have a negative impact on the longevity of the antislip stair nosing. Choosing the right nonslip solutions will help extend the lifespan of your stairs and walkways in marine environments.

3. Substrate

The substrate of the stair or ladder is another crucial consideration. In some instances, mild steel can react with stainless steel, leading to corrosion. In the case of grating stairs, there may be less impact compared to full metal or checkerplate stairs, so professional advice should be sought. The use of an adhesive sealant like Sikaflex may help mitigate any corrosive impact between the stair and the antislip stair capping.

4. Fixings

Fixings are an important consideration. Universal clamps are standard for use on grill stairs, but any potential reaction, as mentioned in paragraph 3 above, should be considered. For grating stairs, universal clamps are commonly used to affix the antislip stair capping. If the antislip stair capping is mild or galvanized steel, the universal clamp should also be galvanized steel. For full metal or checkerplate stairs, fixing options include Sikaflex or equivalent glue and self-tapping screws. Using glue helps reduce the drumming sound of metal on metal, particularly if the self-tapping screws loosen over time.

Ladder rung covers are generally made using marine-grade stainless steel (we use thinner stainless steel than galvanized steel) and can be made to measure based on the ladder circumference. These covers are designed to snap-fit securely with Sikaflex or an equivalent adhesive to ensure a tight and durable fit.

5. Size of Abrasive Grit

Using antislip stair cappings on offshore oil rigs or marine vessels generally requires a grit size of F20 (Mesh 16). In cases where oil or petroleum spillage is a concern, a different grit size may be recommended. Our tailored nonslip solutions ensure maximum grip and safety in hazardous conditions.

6. Colour, Including GLOWMATE

The coating on the antislip stair nosing is generally safety yellow but can be customized to almost any colour required. There is an increasing demand for our Glow in the Dark (GlowMate) antislip stair capping option, which provides clear identification of stair edges or ladder rungs for up to 8 hours in case of power failure at sea. You can imagine the difficulty in escaping an environment that has no lighting due to a power failure during a fire where there is smoke and water on the stairs. GlowMate provides a potential solution in such circumstances and is gaining strong interest from our marine customer base.

The GLOWMATE option for antislip stairs may also help reduce insurance premiums and potentially mitigate legal claims of failure to provide a safe work environment in emergencies requiring quick evacuation. Most commercial aircraft have photoluminescent strips on the floor to guide passengers out of the aircraft in the case of a power failure. GLOWMATE is a similar concept for ships and other marine vessels, offering both antislip stair protection and a built-in artificial light source that glows for an extended time to guide personnel to safety. The GLOWMATE can recharge within 10 minutes when exposed to artificial light and even quicker in natural sunlight. Customer interest is growing, with a confidential nation’s Navy currently trialing our GLOWMATE antislip stair solution. It has been tailored to their specific colour scheme and can be customized to any customer’s needs.


The options for nonslip or antislip stair cappings are many and varied. We have 50 years of experience in supplying antislip solutions to the marine and oil and gas sectors worldwide. Over time, we have learned valuable lessons, which we now apply to make tailored recommendations for your specific needs. Whether you require antislip stairs for offshore rigs, shipping vessels, or other marine applications, we can help you find the perfect solution to enhance safety and durability in demanding environments.

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